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10 Best Ways To Be Thrifty Every Day

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ways to be thrifty

Saving money is a great way to get out of debt and be happier in all areas of your life. Many people have trouble saving money simply because they are spending more then they make, this is why finding ways to be thrifty every day will help you spend less and make more!

For most people saving money usually means making more and putting large amounts into a savings account every month.

That is one way you can save money but often times it is not practical for those living on a low income or paycheck to paycheck, so saving money daily AND putting that small amount into the savings account will help (it just takes a bit more time to add up).

To help you keep track of your spending and budget here is a great free tool you can use from!

Auto-pay is a great way to take the stress out of bills and make sure you never miss a payment. But it’s also a quick way to let your spending get away from you. Often times, the money’s gone before you ever even knew you had it. If the charges are non-essential, it can often lead to careless spending, making it difficult to save or achieve other financial goals.

If you’re looking to incorporate more mindfulness into your budgeting routine, you might be interested in the Japanese concept of kakeibo. Translated literally, it means “household finance ledger.” Basically, it’s the process of manually tracking your expenses to make sure you’re spending with intention — to help you reach your goals faster.

To streamline your expenses, you categorize your expenses into needs, wants, culture, and unexpected expenses. Usually you do this with pen and paper. To make it easy, try out this free printable kakeibo journal. You can download it here

Happy budgeting!

best ways to be thrifty everyday





10 Ways To Be Thrifty Everyday

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ways to be thrifty

1) Dilute Laundry Detergent

Once you empty a bottle of laundry soap save it, then when you buy the next bottle mix it with 1/2 water! These days companies make there laundry detergent very strong so mixing it with water won’t make it that much less effective.

2) Walk More

I used to get bored sometimes home with the kids and I would then decide to go for a drive which cost gas money and I would normally end up in town getting take out!

Now when I am bored I go for a walk, also walking to stores if you can will also help you save money daily.

3) Use a Clothes Line

Surprisingly a lot of people don’t use clothes lines! This can actually save you money daily because dryers use a lot of power and if you have a family you are probably using the dryer many times per day.

4) Use Trim Daily

Trim is one of the fastest growing chatbots for personal finance, and for good reason. Trim can help negotiate your cable bill and you can keep track of your daily expenses including subscriptions.

Using Trim daily will help you take control of your money and be more thrifty daily since you will be more aware of exactly where your money is going.

If you are a resident of the USA and over the age of 18 years then you can sign up and start using Trim to save you money daily!

5) Car Pool

Suggest car pooling to your friends and family, this will save you all money in the long run and it is more efficient.

6) Drink More Water

I am about to get real with you here…I love Pepsi! I know, horrible habit and actually costly because I need to have the name brand!

To curve this habit I purchased a Brita water filter and make sure I always have cold water in the fridge. Now instead of going for the soda I will grab the water!

7) Turn Off Lights

There was a time when I heard flicking your lights on and off actually use more electricity then just leaving them on, well that was a myth!

You can learn more about saving money when it comes to lights by checking out this extensive article from Mr. Electric on how you can save money by turning off your lights.

8) Check your Freezer

Before you go grocery shopping or to grab take out be sure to check your freezer for meals.

Most foods can even be cooked from frozen and actually turn out delicious! This will save you money since you won’t be wasting all that food in the bottom depths of your freezer.

9) Make Your Own Cleaning Supplies

This has become more popular recently so lucky for us there are tons of article on different and cheap ways to make your own non-toxic cleaning supplies.

My favorite way is by using essential oils because I like my house to smell nice and not like vinegar!

10) Use Groupon Daily

Groupon is a service that can save you money through the use of virtual coupons. They also feature a daily deal on the best stuff to do, see, eat, and buy in a variety of cities across the United States.

There you have 10 ways to be thrifty ever day! If you have any to add comment below!

Looking for more ways to save?

ways to be thrifty

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