With the cost of living rising, more and more people are opting for the frugal living approach to life. Being frugal doesn’t mean you are cheap and deprived!
There is a difference between being frugal and being cheap, however what may be frugal to you could be not for someone else.
With that in mind you don’t need to adopt every single one of these tips to save money. Even choosing just 25 tips to apply to your lifestyle will give you more money in your pockets.
So, what is a frugal lifestyle?
Living a frugal lifestyle is basically just being intentional when it comes to your spending. Some people choose to be extreme while others don’t, it is completely up to you.
Prioritize your spending, figure out what you can and cannot live without. Only spend on what you really need, and watch your savings grow.
101 Ways To Be Frugal This Year!
Frugal living can mean many different things to different people, but ultimately it is saving in certain areas so you can spend your money on things you actually enjoy. Here are some frugal living tips with a big impact!
1. Keep lights off
You may have heard it is better to leave your lights on rather than turning them off and on, this is a myth.
It is better to turn your lights off if you are leaving the room for more then a minute. Also make the switch to LED, cannot stress this enough! I swear they seem to never burn out and have dropped my power bill by $50!!!!
That is insane to me.
Get your 12 pack of LED bulbs, trust me you won’t regret it!
2 . Hang clothes to dry
Tons of people still do this and have said it does save on your energy bill since you are rarely using the dryer. Of course depending on where you live this option might only be available certain times of the year.
Purchasing energy efficient washer and dryers will save on your power bill as well.
3. Freeze leftovers
One of my favorite ways to be frugal is freezing my leftovers. This will save a ton especially if you don’t like eating the same thing two days in a row, you can freeze and eat it another time.
There are also a ton of cheap meal ideas that you can freeze and they still taste amazing!
4. Grow a garden
Growing your own food is such a great idea! Not only is it great for your soul and self care it can also save you a ton of money.
There are a ton of resources to help you learn how to grow vegetables and spices in your own home, year round!
5. Use old clothes for rags
I use to be so horrible with paper towels, I would use them for every spill or mess out there. Once I realized how much money I was spending on paper towels I changed my tune.
Using old clothes as rags is not only great for your pocket but also better for the environment!
If the clothes are still decent consider selling them or donating and save the really torn ones for rags.
6. Use cold water in washer
Using cold water helps on your hot water and to be honest I don’t think we really need to be washing our clothes in hot water, unless they are very soiled.
I remember growing up my mother would only use hot water in the wash! I cannot imagine how much electricity was used.
7. Make coffee at home
Some might be tired of hearing about this money saving tip, however it is very frugal!
We used to spend $5 per day on Mcdonald’s coffee plus the gas to drive there every morning. Switching to a coffee percolator was the best investment ever!
I also purchased one with a re usable filter!
8. Put left over coffee in fridge for next day
I was skeptical about trying out this frugal tip but my hubby did not notice the difference (he had no idea it was left over).
Then I decided to try it (hehe) and it wasn’t noticeable!
9. Ask “do we need” when buying
Before buying something really think about if you NEED this item or not. This is one reason I love online shopping because I can add things to my cart and let it sit there for a couple days.
Then when I go back I decide if I need the items or not, most of the time I don’t buy anything.
10. Put tv, dvd player, etc on power strips, when not in use turn off
Investing in some power cords are not a bad idea not only for safety but it will also make it easier for you to save on your energy bill.
Turning off multiple appliances when not in use can save a couple hundred dollars per year off your energy bill! This might not seem like much to some people but when you combine the other frugal tips for saving on energy bills then you should see a drastic change per month.
11. Cut down on heat, dress warmer.
This was a tough one for me personally, in the winter we have oil heat and I used to crank the thermostat whenever I had a chill.
This made our oil bill go up and our energy bill! Now I wear sweaters and keep the temperature low, comfortable but still lower than normal.
12. Use cloth diapers.
This is a great way to save tons of money if you have or are expecting a newborn. I was on the fence about this because of #2’s and I didn’t really know what I was supposed to do with it. Once you get the hang of it, it is a life saver on the pocket book! Below are my Favorite ones:
13. Use rags instead of paper towels.
Paper towels are not only bad for the environment but they cost a bit, especially if you are buying them weekly. Instead, take your old clothes or towels and cut them up into rags.
14. Wash dishes by hand.
So many people have dishwashers now and that is fine if they save time for you then keep it, but if you don’t mind washing your dishes by hand then consider saving on your water and energy bill.
15. Shop at second hand stores.
The key to this is to rarely buy anything new! Always purchase second hand, of course don’t purchase “junk” just be smart before buying something second hand.
You don’t want to end up wasting money by buying something and it not working.
16. Go to free entertainment.
This is a great frugal tip that has a big impact on your budget. Most people spend a TON on entertainment when there are many fun, free options available.
Check your local library, or ask around, most communities offer free activities for all age groups.
You can even choose to check out Groupon and save money on your outings!
17.Use coupons as often as possible.
18.Recycle to cut down on waste. Less garbage bags.
19.Rip dryer sheets in half.
20.Make homemade gifts for special occasions.
21.Sell unwanted items.
22.Combine errands to make on shopping trip.
23.Use 20 min wash cycle. (quick cycle)
24.Do your own repairs whenever possible.
25.When it’s yellow let it mellow, when it’s brown flush it down.
26.Go to a book exchange or local library.
27.Walk to places if possible.
28.Ask others for advice.
29.Barter always.
30.Never eat treats. ex. chips, soda.
31.Do not smoke.
32.Do not drink alcohol.
33.Woodstove for heat.
34.Do not use dryer sheets.
35.Have only 1 car.
36.Use a bicycle.
37.Solar panels.
38.Water well.
39.Check out local farmers markets.
40.Mix water with soap.
41.Buy in bulk.
42.Check ads for sales.
43.Unplug all chargers, computers etc.
44.Reuse tea bags.
45.Make your own lunches.
46.Reuse ziplock bags.
47.Only use lamps at night.
48.Buy feminine products in bulk.
49.Buy no name brands.
50.Cancel cable.
51.NO cell phones.
52.Shop during major savings. Example- chocolate after Easter.
53.Bake from scratch.
54.Bake sweets for gifts.
55.Buy quality over quantity.
56.Drive around on cleanup weeks.
57.Eat less.
58.Make up fun games to do at home.
59.Eat at home, not take out.
60.Take a list to grocery store.
61.Look for clearance items.
62.Plan your meals out.
63.Negotiate lower interest rates on Credit cards.
64.Avoid tickets.
65.Cancel any subscriptions.
66.Eat before going to the movies.
67.Travel during off season.
68.Use price match when available.
69.Sign up for free rewards.
70.Have a yard sale.
71.Drink more water.
72.Swap movies, games etc with friends.
73.Buy quality items that will last.
74.Don’t use your credit cards.
75.Avoid sress-spending
76.Join volunteer programs.
77.Shop around for insurance.
78.Stick to reliable fuel effeciant cars.
79.Avoid the mall.
80.Downsize your home.
81.Invest in a freezer.
83.Invest in a crock pot.
84.Consolidate student loans.
85.Buy used cars.
86.Eat less meat.
87.Make your own wine.
88.Accept if you make a mistake and move on.
89.Go for walks.
90.Make a list of goals.
91.Check amazon for deals.
92.Insulate your home.
93.Double check your bills.
94.Don’t impulse buy.
95.Utilize vinegar.
96.Use less.
97.Never pay full price. Patience is key.
98.Go on a prepaid cell plan.
99.Use pinterest for ideas on DIY.
100.Create your own beauty products.
101.Don’t forget to live.