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10 Best Frugal Living Tips For Beginners

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If you want to start living the frugal lifestyle but are new to this awesome approach to living then you came to the right place. I have compiled a list of the best 10 ways to start living frugally for beginners.

Just so you know everyone has a different outlook on what they consider is “frugal living” so this is just what MOST would say are some good frugal living tips for those starting out.

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Frugal living is the best way to save money and live a better life. The frugal lifestyle has become so popular but many don't know where to begin, so check out these best frugal living tips for beginners to get a good start. #frugal #frugalhacks #frugalliving #frugaltips






Best Frugal Living Tips For Beginners

1. Budgeting with a Frugal Mindset

You should first start out with your budget, if you already have one you should still go over it. Grab Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover Workbook to get started. The goal here is to create your budget then go over it and find ways to cut back on the items you don’t really NEED. This makes more room to either add to savings or to things you love doing but can’t afford.

2. Clear out the old and sell for cash

Clearing out all that old junk will not only give you more space but it will also help with your mindset and did you know having clutter can increase your stress levels?! Make a few different piles such as:

  • Junk pile: Anything you are 100% sure you will toss in the trash.
  • Sell pile: Anything you think is worth selling.
  • Maybe pile: Anything you aren’t sure about, then after a month if you haven’t used any of those items either sell or toss them.

3. Journal your journey

This might not seem like a frugal living tip but when you are trying to change your entire lifestyle you will have some bad habits to kick.

You can grab one of my favorite Journals here (I love so many but this is a great starter Journal).

This also can be very emotional for some people who have attachments to their belongings. Keeping a journal about how you are feeling and why you are doing this will help on those days you are questioning this lifestyle. Remember this isn’t going to happen over night and it will be worth it, even after you de-clutter you will feel so much better.

4. Get your family involved

In order for this new and exciting lifestyle to keep on trucking you will more then likely need to get your family involved, especially the kids. Sit down with them and explain why you are doing this, be real with them. Have them create piles of their own and tell them they can keep any money they receive from their sell pile. <That worked like a charm on my oldest boy who hated getting rid of his things.

5. Downsize the big stuff

Some might not think this is for a beginner, however I think it is a great step if you are brave enough to take the leap! If you live in a large home and/or have more then one vehicle you should consider downsizing. Imagine if you downsize your home you will have a cheaper mortgage and it will be incentive to clear out all the materialistic things weighing you down.

best frugal living tips, downsizing

6. Grow your own food

If you can, consider growing your own food! I have my own garden in the summer and I grow spices and herbs in my house all year round. This is a huge money saver for me especially regarding spices as where I live they are expensive.

7. No Spend Challenge

This is a great way for beginners to see how well they can live frugally. Try a week first and only spend money on the essentials, no extra spending! Make a list of all the things you wanted to buy and by the end of the week go over the list and see what you still want.

8. Switch To LED Bulbs

Seems like such a minor and simple step but I cannot stress enough how much this has helped decrease our electrical bill. I am not the only one, ask around and I can guarantee you those who have made the switch won’t be going back. These are my favorite light bulbs and they come in a huge pack.

9. Cut Back on Your Grocery Bill

Doing just this one action will save you a fair amount of coin. There are even ways to make money off your grocery bill by using certain Apps! To learn how I saved my household over $200 per month check out my post on How to Save Money on Groceries.

I don’t go too crazy on the Apps, but I do use a PC points card every time I go to the grocery store, this racks up points that I can exchange for free food! I then use Checkout51 to scan my receipts and make money, and last but not least when I am shopping online I use Ebates!

10. Make your own cleaning products

I just started doing this one and I surprisingly love it!

The only reason I was on the fence before was because I didn’t want to have a smelly home, I love scents. I learned that you can use essential oils in the mix to make it smell good! For a general cleaner I use Baking Soda, Vinegar and essential oils. Save your money on toxic cleaning products.

Related: Best DIY Cleaners Using Essential Oils

There you have my list of the best frugal living tips for beginners! Leave your best frugal living tips in the comments below, would love to hear from you!

Best frugal living tips for beginners

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