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Budgeting For A Baby: What You Really Need

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Having a baby is an amazing thing! No one should feel like they cannot afford the blessing of having a child, therefore budgeting for a baby is a must. If you don’t have a budget yet you can learn about budgeting and grab a free budgeting template here.

You will get bombarded with things you will think you NEED, however that is not the case, I have had two babies so far so I DO have experience budgeting for a baby. One of my children I had while attending College full time, during that time I really could only afford the bare necessities.

How expensive are babies really? Learning how to prepare for a baby financially can be a scary task unless you know what baby essentials you really need. Budgeting for a baby has just been made easier, includes baby budget printable checklist. #baby #babychecklist


When you think about having a baby these days you always here the same comments (especially if you are on a low income):

“Are you sure you can afford a baby?”

“Do you realize how expensive they are?”

…and my personal favorite

“You will ruin your life!”

I get a bit worked up JUST typing those comments, let’s face it we live in a world where everyone and their dog is super judgy and you will never please everyone! I read The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F!ck and it really helped me overcome that “need to please everyone” mentality.

How expensive are babies really? Learning how to prepare for a baby financially can be a scary task unless you know what baby essentials you really need. Budgeting for a baby has just been made easier, includes baby budget printable checklist. #baby #babychecklist

How to prepare for a baby financially

Planning ahead is a must, and I will be the first to tell you I procrastinate like crazy! Having a daily planner has helped me immensely. I also recommend checking out Baby Center, I used this for a lot of questions I had before and after the baby was born. 

Related: How To Save Money on Your Bills Every Month

Start by making the biggest decision of all, are you breastfeeding?

ProTip: Even if you plan on breastfeeding you should still read my tips on how to save on formula, you never know what will happen and you may not be able to breastfeed. (It happens!)

How to save on formula

Most of this a personal decision, for me I formula fed both my babies due to personal reasons and I chose to purchase the more “high end” formula. I sort of cheated the system a tad, I signed up for free coupons on my chosen brand using my name as well as my mother’s name. So I ended up with double the coupons, which was a HUGE help. I also scanned online buy and sells for formula or coupons.

Checking out Amazon was my personal go-to, it saved on gas and they almost always had a sale, plus it was cheaper than my local Walmart. Amazon also has this nifty feature that if you subscribe and get your formula auto delivered you can save up to %15!

How expensive are babies really? Learning how to prepare for a baby financially can be a scary task unless you know what baby essentials you really need. Budgeting for a baby has just been made easier, includes baby budget printable checklist. #baby #babychecklist

Things you need when having a baby – for reals!

1) Crib

You really do need a crib, you can even skip out on the bassinet as they now make mattresses double sided, one side is firmer for newborns. When looking for a crib keep in mind they now make 3 in 1, they convert into a toddler bed and a daybed.

2) Pack n Play

These are one of my favorite things, they cover so many areas. You can use this as a bassinet also, and trust me once your baby starts crawling and walking these will be a god send for when you need a bathroom break, or just a break in general.

3) Highchair

You won’t be needing one right away but keep it in mind for when your baby starts to eat solids. Similar to the cribs they now make some highchairs multi purpose, you can change them to toddler chairs once your baby is older. How convenient!

4) Bottles

Even if you are breastfeeding you will want bottles eventually and for when you want to breast pump. You don’t need a ton of bottles, I bought the 11oz because your baby grows very fast and I didn’t see the point in buying the smaller sizes. This 3 bottle set was enough for me, it was a pain at first, since your baby eats every 4 hours, I felt like I was constantly boiling bottles, but it did save us money in the end.

5) stroller/carseat combo

You will save money getting these together as one unless you are opting for a very simple stroller then buy them separate. I don’t suggest purchasing the car seat second hand since they do expire.

6)  Jumparoo

This was really the only first toy my baby needed and loved. He would bounce in this thing for hours if I let him, super convenient for when you want to get things done. Again this isn’t something you need right away but for sure a first year baby essential.

7) Diaper Bag

Really you could use any bag, but diaper bags have certain compartments that make travelling with a newborn easier. Having the insulated bottle compartment came in handy tons of times.

Baby stuff to ask for at your baby shower

I would suggest having a baby shower, even if it is just immediate family. You can ask for the little things and stock up on some items. Here are some items I would ask for:

  • Diapers
  • Baby wipes
  • Baby shampoo and body wash
  • Baby towels and face cloths
  • Baby bathtub
  • Soothers
  • Baby powder or bum creams
  • Baby cosmetic kit
  • Baby clothes

I listed those in order of importance, stalking up on diapers and wipes is a very good idea (unless you go the cloth route which I suggest). Next is the baby shampoo and body wash, for both my boys I didn’t have to buy baby shampoo at all, I got so many!

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Mom’s need things too!

Yes, you should prepare for things you are going to need as well. There is nothing worse than getting home from the hospital feeling like complete crap and then realizing you don’t have any pads!

1 Pads

Stock up on pads because you are going to need them! After giving birth a whole lot of funky things go on down there and you are more than likely going to be bleeding for up to six weeks or more depending, so pads are a must.

2 Nursing pads

Whether you breast feed or not you are going to want some nursing pads. If you are breastfeeding you will be leaking a lot, if you are not breastfeeding you will be leaking off and on for a few weeks. It is also extremely painful, this was the part I hated most after giving birth, my boobs were so sore and swollen for 3 weeks!

3 Tylenol

Not sure what I would have done without Tylenol and please take the stool softeners that they give you at the hospital, trust me you will want them.

4 comfy clothes

I loved my comfy clothes even now I still love them and my baby is 11 months old, but right after giving birth you are going to want some comfy loose fitting clothes.

Some of those items you probably already have which makes it even better on the pocket book, but also planning ahead. Grab your free baby on a budget printable checklist and get moving on your planning!

Related: How Budgeting for Groceries can Save you Loads of Money

Budgeting for a baby: Things to buy second hand

Buying baby items second hand will save you tons of money, babies grow very fast so most items are barely used.

  • Clothes
  • Baby soaps and shampoos
  • Baby powder
  • Highchair
  • Baby toys
  • Outdoor clothes
  • Blankets
  • Receiving blankets
How expensive are babies really? Learning how to prepare for a baby financially can be a scary task unless you know what baby essentials you really need. Budgeting for a baby has just been made easier, includes baby budget printable checklist. #baby #babychecklist

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