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How to Make 10k a Month in 2023

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Earning money is hard. It takes a lot of effort and discipline to make a consistent 10,000 dollars per month, but it can be done! In this guide, I’ll show you several tips I’ve learned over the years that might help you earn more money each month in 2023.

Now before choosing an idea, weigh the pros and cons, is it something for YOU?! So many people will look and choose the highest paying or the first one they read, without considering if it is something you will stick with.

For example,

Real Life Example

Stefanie scrolls through her Facebook daily, reading about Bailey making $10,000 per month selling high-ticket self-care courses. Bailey is extremely outgoing and a natural people person, Stefanie pays for Bailey’s course and decides to start her own high-ticket course.
Stefanie however, is very introverted and does not like being in the spotlight, which causes her business to fail.

The takeaway is to make sure you choose a good business model for your personality.

Best Ways to Make $10k a Month

1. Freelancing

Freelancing is a great way to make money. There are many types of freelance jobs, including:

● writing
● web design and development
● graphic design
● copywriting (writing marketing materials)

If you have the skills to do one or more of these things, you can make money by doing them on your own terms.

The best place to start is Upwork or Fiverr, where employers post jobs they need to be done and freelancers bid for those jobs.

You can also post your own services there if you want to get hired as an employee rather than a freelancer.

You’ll also see other job listings on sites like Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace where people are looking for help with their projects (and often offer competitive rates).

2. Become a Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants help small businesses with administrative tasks, from organizing calendars and booking meetings to doing research and answering emails.

The work of a virtual assistant can vary widely depending on the needs of your clients—you might be researching information for them or helping them set up their social media strategy.

You might be providing administrative support (answering phones, scheduling appointments) or running errands (shopping for office supplies).

You might even be creating high-level financial analysis reports for your client’s business plan.
You could start by making some cold calls to businesses near your home that seem like they could use some extra help.

Once you get their attention and they agree to meet with you face-to-face, use this opportunity to show off all the value you have to offer as a potential employee—your attitude is key here!

The more positive energy coming from you during these initial meetings will go a long way toward determining whether or not someone decides to hire you as part of their team later down the road.

3. Proofread for clients

Proofreading is a skill, and like any other skill, it can be learned. You might be wondering how you’re supposed to learn how to proofread for clients when you don’t have any clientele yet.

Well, the answer is simple: look online.

There are many websites that offer freelance proofreading jobs where you can work from home or wherever works best for you.

4. Do online transcription jobs

You can make money as a transcriptionist by doing work on sites like Upwork and Fiverr.

Transcriptionists listen to recordings of audio or video and type the words into a transcript, which is later used by journalists, law enforcement agencies, and others.

No special skills are required for this job—you just need to be able to type fast! The more practice you have typing in your own language, the better your chances of being successful at this side hustle will be.

5. Buy and resell products online

If you’re looking to make a living by selling items on eBay, one of the first things that you need to do is find products that are popular and profitable.

There are several ways to do this.

The most obvious way is to look at the hot sellers’ list in eBay’s most recent transactions report (found under My eBay > Selling > Transaction reports).

The report shows the top 100 sellers for any given week and month, but it only includes those who had at least five sales during that period. For example:

If there are 90 people in your niche who sold five or more items in a given week and month, then there could be hundreds more who have less than five sales per week/month but still make good money from reselling products online! You can also use Google Trends to see which keywords are trending upwards over time—or downwards! If there are lots of people searching for something related to your niche every single month (and especially every single year), then chances are good that it would be profitable for you as well.

6. Create and sell courses

To create a course, you’ll need to do the following:

● Create a course that you are passionate about. You’ll be teaching this material for years to come, and it needs to excite and inspire you!
● Create a course that is in demand. A lot of people want what you have, so take advantage of that demand by creating your own course!
● Create a course that you can teach in a way that is easy to understand. The best way to do this? Make sure it aligns with your personal brand! The audience will be able to see their reflection on what it is that makes up who YOU are as well as what YOUR brand IS all about.
● Create a course that is affordable for anyone looking at purchasing such products or services.

7. Start Blogging

Blogging is a great way to make money online, and it can be done by anyone. You can make money from your blog by selling ads, affiliate marketing, and/or selling your own products. But the first step is to start a blog for free using WordPress or Medium!

There are many different ways to monetize your blog:

● Ads – This allows companies to promote their products on your site in exchange for compensation (money). Google AdSense is the most popular platform for this type of advertising, and they will pay you based on how many people see their adverts on your website. It’s important that you only allow relevant ads so that they don’t disrupt the user experience or try to trick them into clicking on something they don’t want!
● Affiliate Marketing – This involves recommending other peoples’ products in return for a commission if someone buys one of those recommended items through an affiliate link (link) that has been provided by yourself in order that affiliate partners could pay off some kind of commission fee back into account balance after certain conditions have been met such as clicks through rate percentage targets etcetera.”
● Selling your own products or services: One of the best ways to make money from your blog is to sell something directly from it. This could be a physical product or even an intangible service (like coaching). You can also use blogging as a way to launch a new business. If you already have an existing business, see what people are searching for online and see if there’s a way to address those needs with products or services that you offer.

Final thoughts on how to make 10k a month

There is no better feeling than watching your bank account grow, it’s even better when you don’t have to break the law to do it! Stick with any of these ideas and you will too be earning 10k a month in no time. We hope you enjoyed this article and if you did, please like, share, subscribe, and all that stuff.

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