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Minimalist Living: Beginners Guide To Living On Less

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What exactly is Minimalist Living?

Living a minimal life is all about enjoying experiences rather than the more material aspects of life. It is more of a simple way of living, trying not to acquire too much “stuff”. I also believe minimalism is a way of life that can give you a sense of peace and freedom.

Clutter has been proven to cause stress, anxiety and depression so it would only make sense to de-clutter. Also by not spending so much money on all the extra possessions you are saving dollars and you can spend that on things that make you happy rather then materialistic items.

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Related: 15 Things To Stop Buying As A Minimalist 

Before you take the leap into the Minimalist Lifestyle:

Be sure you are ready for this amazing journey, because that is what it will be… a journey! There will be days where you will wonder why you wanted to do this in the first place, so that is why I recommend keeping a journal. This way you can look back on all the things you have accomplished and feel better about this lifestyle.

Benefits of being a minimalist:

  • Less stress from less clutter
  • Get to spend money on experiences
  • More money = less financial stress
  • Spend more time with family
  • …and so much more!

Beginning your Minimalist Journey:

minimalist living

This is going to be a walk not a sprint, so make a plan! You will want to choose a room or specific area to focus on first.

For me, I chose clothing to purge first, because I had so many and I find if I had chosen a room I would just be moving around the junk instead of actually purging.

I then went room by room until I got everything cleaned out!

Remember you don’t need to toss everything that doesn’t serve a purpose, if you like have your walls filled with photos then keep it that way. BUT do try and get rid of things you no longer use, are broken, or worn.

Tips to start your Journey:

1) Create capsule wardrobes for each family member and sell or donate the left over clothing.

2) Downsize the larger items, if you have more then one vehicle try to consider owning just one. Downsize your house, most of us do not need a huge house.

3) Clear out your Kitchen. I am not sure why but I had a ton of kitchen items I never even used, it really helped to keep my kitchen looking cleaner and I had a ton more cupboard space.

4) Organize, find a place for everything, preferably tucked away. You can check out 25 Sneaky Ways to Organize your whole House.

Keeping on Track: How to stick with your minimalist journey!

It is always easy to begin something, the trick is to stick with it and continue on. Some tips to help you keep this lifestyle:

1) Surround yourself with like minded people: being around other minimalists will help keep you on track and even help give you new ideas.

2) Journal your progress: Having something to look back on is very important, it will help you remember why you started this lifestyle in the first place. Also keeping track will help show you just how far you’ve come.

3) Try new ideas: Researching more about minimalism and trying out some new ideas will help keep things fresh and exciting.

4) No spend challenge: This is a great idea to keep you from buying more material things you probably don’t really need. You will save money and keep yourself from cluttering up your new found space.

Now over to you! Leave your best minimalist living tips below!


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